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WW2 Pinball Stories - Humor

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Here we get to chuckle a bit at some of the odd things that can happen to people when they get involved with pinball and arcade games.

Unexpected Results

A pinball player in New Orleans recently got more than he bargained for when he stepped up to play a pinball machine, according to the Little Rock Gazette. As he pulled back the plunger of the pinball machine with practice finesse and shot the works, matters went somewhat out of control. A taxi collided with a bus outside and threw a wheel, which came bounding through the window to score 40,000 points right on the player's head. He went to the hospital for treatment of minor lacerations.

Too Bad, Teacher

According the the St. Lois Globe-Democrat, during a study period at one of the schools in that city recently, a boy began edging around the room, collecting nickels and dimes from his fellow pupils. The teacher saw him and ordered him to sit down, adding, "That'll be two points off your conduct grade for the month".

The teacher got no Christmas present from the class, for that was why the boy was collecting the money. Instead, the youngsters got together after school and spent what they had collected in a pinball machine and juke box down the street.

Shot in the -- Arcade!

Salt Lake City, July 29 - Seems that Stewart's Pla-More arcade here did not furnish enough targets to suit one GI who wished to try his powers as a marksman.

When GI Joe ran out of things to hit with the air-gun he took aim at the pretty cashier and as a result she will be making change standing up for some time.

After having told the sharpshooter to point the gun in another direction she resumed her duties. However, "Sgt. York" of World War II, decided to hit the bull's eye again and this time the object of his aim called police. He employed a strategic retreat. She works standing up, and Stewart's is going to install a bullet-proof change booth, not to guard against robbers, but to protect their lovely target.

Stoner man on horseStoner Vice-President Buys New Ranch Home

Chicago, April 14 - When C.R. Adelberg, vice-president of the Stoner Manufacturing Corporation, bought a beautiful ranch-type house in Sugar Grove, Ill., recently, he was the envy of all his friends. And when he had announced that he had acquired a handsome riding horse, the boys at the plant decided some appropriate gesture was in order. Since they agreed that one horse was hardly sufficient for a gentleman rancher, they determined to find a fitting companion to share the Adelberg stables.

Then Adelberg invited them all to a housewarming - which seemed a particularly happy opportunity for the presentation of a suitable equine symbol of their esteem. They located one such symbol . . . but he fell victim to the ravages of time before the party. In time, however, the boys located a perfect specimen - so they said.

The night of the housewarming arrived - and with it Harry Stoner, replendent in boots, red flannel shirt, 10 - gallon hat and six-shooter. Stoner made a touching little speech. He told of the genuine enthusiasm with which Adelberg's associates joined in presenting to him the champion "Black Gold". He produced a lengthy pedigree relating the feats of this remarkable steed and concluding with the achievement wherein he reached the pinnacle of his fame - the "Blue Award in the Proctor & Gamble event".

The party then moved outside, where Black Gold, tethered to an ancient dinner bell, awaited his new master.

Let us say only that Adelberg was moved beyond words by the gift. (At least he was speechless for about three minutes). But he expressed himself at some length later when it became clear that, although the guests were leaving, the venerable Black Gold was staying right there!

At last reports, the Adelbergs were resignedly sharing their sugar rations with Black Gold. They figure that, come the spring rains, they can keep him on the front lawn and use the valley in his back for a bird bath.

Critics Again Lash Out at Candy as Cause of Tooth Decay

The above caption is funny in itself. We tend to take a lot of things for granted and it takes a story like this make us appreciate where we came from. Nothing whatsoever to do with pinball, just interesting. The story is from November of 1944.

Chicago, Nov. 4- Just when the vending machine trade was rejoicing at recent scientific approval of candy as a modern food by the important American Association for the Advancement of Science, three separate thunderbolts of criticism against candy came from the dental profession during the last week of October.

For many years the medical and dental professions have at intervals criticized the use of candy, especially for children. The dentists always say that candy has much to do with causing tooth decay. In recent years members of the more basic scientific groups have shown the tendency to strongly favor candy as a very wholesome food and having a very useful place in the American diet. [Just imagine: "Johnny - eat your jelly beans or no broccoli!" "Ah mom . . ." - Terry] But apparently the dental profession is still unconvinced that candy is as good as it may seem, for leaders in this field are quite prolific in their statements that candy does cause tooth decay. [...]

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